
Vale - Long Harbour Processing Plant

The USW Union Advantage:

The United Steelworkers has been representing Workers at Vale from Manitoba to Labrador since the Brazilian Miner arrived on the Canadian Mining scene in 2006.

Our Union has strategically negotiated alliances with other Vale Unions across the globe in order to collectively protect and advance our member's interests.

There is strength in numbers and having Long Harbour Processing Plant Workers join the USW family will provide for a stronger unified voice in our mission to ensure every person is treated with respect, fairness, and dignity on the job. With the Steelworkers union, that's what you'll get.

Can I legally join a union?

YES. The Newfoundland and Labrador Labour Relations Act guarantees your right to join a union and to participate in its lawful activities. The law also gives you the right to help your coworkers join the union too.

Can my employer, threaten or fire me for helping organize a union?

NO! It's your Constitutional right as a Canadian! The law protects you and the USW makes sure the law is upheld. The Labour Relations Act says it is illegal for your employer to fire you, suspend you, or punish you in any way for joining the USW or helping your coworkers join.

Your union activity is strictly confidentialYou don't have to tell anyone you're a union member unless you decide you want to.

Aren't there laws that protect us?

Yes. There are laws that set out the minimum standards an employer has to meet, but those are only the basics, such as minimum wage. Also, laws can change, and not always for the better...

Here Today Gone Tomorrow...

It's true that many non-union companies provide competitive wages, benefits, and bonuses BUT nothing is guaranteed or protected without union contract.

Why is a Union Contract Important?

Your contract is a legally binding document between workers and the employer. It provides an opportunity to negotiate regular pay increases, benefits, and bonuses and address other issues important to you and your coworkers, such as job postings, unfair disciplines, unreasonable company policies, shift schedules, health and safety, and more.

What Happens to Our Current Employment Terms and Conditions when the Union Applies for a Vote?

Once we have applied for a vote, the Government will impose a" Freezeon all your current employment terms and conditions. This means your employer can't unilaterally change anything because you and your co-worker have decided to exercise your right to join the union. Any proposed change must be submitted to, and authorized by, the Labour Board.

Being a Union Member Means You Have...

real say in your workplace.

A strong collective voice that allows you and your coworkers to deal with management as equals and put an end to "one way" decision-making.

Job promotions, transfers, layoffs, recalls that occur without favouritism.

A way for your concerns and problems to be taken seriously and resolved.

Support and Representation when dealing with Workers Compensation, health and safety, and other workplace issues.

Access to union services, resources, and training needed to protect and improve your rights at work.

The right to speak up without fear of being disciplined or penalized.

Who is the Union? 

YOU! Elect your Own Local Union Officers and Leadership

YOU! Run your Own local union affairs, assisted by a professional USW Staff representative. 

YOU! Elect your Own bargaining committee.

YOU! Decide what you want in your Union contract and direct your bargaining committee and whether to accept or reject your contract

YOU! The members are the final voice of authority and decision in your Steelworkers Union

The Steelworkers' Union is its members - You are the Union in your workplace!


Dues are only 1.55% of gross wages plus 2 cents per hour worked. For example, if you're earning $1000 a week. Your weekly dues are 1.55 percent of $1000 which works out to be $15.50 (plus 2 cents per hour worked.) AND, BECAUSE DUES ARE TAX DEDUCTIBLE, it's a lot less. Dues are collected and banked in Canada for the benefit of our Canadian members.

Union dues are like job insurance - just like you have insurance on other things you value. Union dues go toward representation for the services your members need most - and means your union can back you up when you need help.

Also, you won't pay dues until you and your co-workers are satisfied with and vote to accept your contract.

The Steelworkers want Vale to be successful, and your hard work contributes to that success - success you deserve a fair share of. Value your Labour!



Your union dues are used to:

  • negotiate your conditions of work in a legally binding contract. 

  • give you wage protection.

  • protect you against employer favoritism and unjust discipline or termination.

  • provide a healthy and safe workplace.

  • negotiate benefits.

  • offer educational training opportunities.

  • represent you in grievances and arbitration.

  • advocate with EI and WCB when needed.

Unions: Myth vs Fact

Myth: Unions are outside, third party, special-interest groups.

Fact: You are the union! A union is simply working people standing up for their right to protect improve the workplace. For example, your Union leadership and bargaining committee at Vale Long Harbour is democratically elected, by you, from your group of employees to bring up YOUR issues at the bargaining table.

Myth: Unions just want workers' dues.

Fact: Unions are not-for-profit organizations. The improvements workers win in pay, benefits and fair treatment through their unions are far greater than the cost of dues. In addition, union dues are tax-deductible. Dues pay the cost of contract negotiations, grievance and arbitrations, training for members, legal fees, and much more so the worker will never have to go at it alone.

Myth: Unions are strike happy.

Fact: Unions negotiate for agreements - not strikes. Interestingly enough, 97% of collective agreements in Canada are negotiated without a strike. In fact, more working days are lost each year to workplace accidents and injuries than are lost to striking employees.

Myth: If the Union comes in my Bonus will be cut.

Fact: Section 86 of the Labour Relations Act (LRA) ensures and guarantees that once a Union has applied for certification and the employer receives notice from the Labour Relations Board, workers' rights and benefits cannot be altered by an employer without the unionized worker's consent.

Myth: Unions should be a thing of the past.

Fact: Well that line goes back as far as 1886 when the Toronto Globe used it in an editorial. Let's see, since then, unions have fought and gained; pension plans, medical plans, disability protection, minimum wage, health and safety, education programs, pay equity, vacations and vacation pay, and much more. Without unions, the balance of power shifts dramatically to the desires and decisions of the employer only.

Myth: Unions only protect the lazy ... the people that should be fired.

Fact: No union contract requires an employer to keep a worker who is lazy, incompetent, or constantly absent or late. What the Union does is make sure dismissals are for "Just Cause" - for real reasons - not, for example, personality clashes between the management and an employee.

Myth: Unions mean more conflict in the workplace.

Fact: Unions and management are not on opposite sides of a spectrum - both want the same thing, for company's to be a success and keep workers employed. A union contract allows the company and workers to sit down as equals and discuss problems as they come up. Without a union, workers have no say, no protection and management is always right.


Mario Fortunato, USW ORGANIZER

506-440-5731 / mfortunato@usw.ca


USW VALE Organizer – Mario Fortunato
