Find your province and click on it to sign your USW union card:

Is your province or territory not listed? Contact us to obtain a physical card.

Darlene Jalbert, or 613-362-4414 (Ontario)
Mario Fortunato, or 506-440-5731 (Atlantic provinces)

You deserve better from Starbucks.

Maybe you’ve noticed your district managers coming into your stores more. Maybe you’ve met regional managers and directors you didn’t even know of until now. They always smile and talk to you politely with that “Starbucks Corporate” energy.

The Starbucks brand relies on its image as a progressive corporation. But that’s all it is, an image. They’ll smile at you, act like your friend, but they’ll never give you what you need to prosper.

How many baristas have two jobs just to make due? That doesn’t sound like a company that “inspires and nurtures the human spirit,” our company slogan, to me!

They love to point out our benefits package, ignoring the fact that these benefits are next to meaningless for those of us struggling to pay rent. They also keep most workers part-time so they’re not even eligible for these benefits!

If you are as essential as Starbucks would have you believe, then you deserve a living wage in the town that they expect you to live and work in.

  • Pandemic or no pandemic, you deserve a living wage.

  • You deserve communication about coming changes to your work.

  • You deserve to feel safe in your workplace.

  • You need a real say in the conditions that you work in.

The United Steelworkers are an extremely diverse union, so don’t be put off by the name! They’ve been great to us, and could be great to you too! Help make Starbucks the workplace that it claims to be, organize and join the United Steelworkers today!

In solidarity,
United Steelworkers District 6

For more information, contact:
Darlene Jalbert, or 613-362-4414 (Ontario)
Mario Fortunato, or 506-440-5731 (Atlantic provinces)

To sign your USW union card, click on your province:

Is your province or territory not listed? Contact us to obtain a physical card.

Darlene Jalbert, or 613-362-4414 (Ontario)
Mario Fortunato, or 506-440-5731 (Atlantic provinces)

Who is the union?

YOU! Elect your own local union officers and leadership.
YOU! Run your own local union affairs, assisted by a professional USW Staff Representative.
YOU! Elect your own bargaining committee.
YOU! Decide what you want in your union contract and direct your bargaining committee and whether to accept or reject your contract.
YOU! The members are the final voice of authority and decision in your Steelworkers union.

Can my employer, threaten or fire me for helping organize a union?

NO! It's your constitutional right as a Canadian! The law protects you and the USW makes sure the law is upheld. The Labour Relations Act says it is illegal for your employer to fire you, suspend you or punish you in any way for joining the USW or helping your coworkers join.

Your union activity is strictly confidential. You don't have to tell anyone you're a union member unless you decide you want to.

Aren't there laws that protect us?

Yes. There are laws that set out the minimum standards an employer has to meet, but those are only the basics, such as minimum wage. Also, laws can change, and not always for the better...


It's true that many non-union companies provide competitive wages, benefits, and bonuses BUT nothing is guaranteed or protected without a union contract.

Why is a union contract important?

Your contract is a legally binding document between workers and the employer. It provides an opportunity to negotiate regular pay increases, benefits and bonuses and address other issues important to you and your coworkers, such as job postings, unfair disciplines, unreasonable company policies, shift schedules, health and safety and more.

What happens to our current employment terms and conditions when the union applies for a vote?

Once we have applied for a vote, the government will impose a "freeze" on all your current employment terms and conditions. This means your employer can't unilaterally change anything because you and your co-worker have decided to exercise your right to join the union. Any proposed change must be submitted to and authorized by the Labour Board.


  • A real say in your workplace.

  • A strong collective voice that allows you and your coworkers to deal with management as equals and put an end to "one way" decision-making.

  • Job promotions, transfers, layoffs, recalls that occur without favouritism.

  • A way for your concerns and problems to be taken seriously and resolved.

  • Support and representation when dealing with Workers Compensation, health and safety and other workplace issues.

  • Access to union services, resources, and training needed to protect and improve your rights at work.

  • The right to speak up without fear of being disciplined or penalized.

  • The Steelworkers union is its members - You are the union in your workplace!

There is strength in numbers and having Starbucks Partners join the USW family, will provide for a stronger unified voice in our mission to ensure every person is treated with respect, fairness and dignity on the job. With the Steelworkers union, that's what you'll get.

For more information, contact:
Darlene Jalbert, or 613-362-4414 (Ontario)
Mario Fortunato, or 506-440-5731 (Atlantic provinces)




Watch our union info series for Starbucks Partners on why you should unionize your workplace.